3. Installation on AWS with Terraform

This guide describes the full installation process of UltiHash in AWS environment including:

  • provision of EKS cluster in a dedicated VPC

  • deployment of the essential Kubernetes controllers

  • installation of UltiHash on the EKS cluster

The UltiHash setup to be installed by following this guide consists of these components:

  • 1 entrypoint instance hosted on a c7g.8xlarge machine fronted by A Network Load Balancer

  • 1 database instance on a c7gd.4xlarge machine

  • 2 pairs of deduplicator and storage on 2 im4gn.8xlarge machines

The overall available disk space provided by this UltiHash setup is 15 TBs (based on EC2 instance store). In case the larger storage capacity is required, feel free to scale out the number of storage service instances. The configurattion above is simply a possible option for testing UltiHash, note that you may freely select any EC2 instance types and EBS volume types for production purposes.

Please note, that this setup is suited for the testing purposes to verify the abilities of UltiHash as well as its integration with various tools and technologies.


Remote Environment

  • AWS account

Local Environment

Setup S3 Bucket for Terraform States

Since the Terraform state for this setup has to be stored on S3, need to provision a dedicated S3 bucket. Execute the following command, replacing the <bucket-name> and <aws-region> placeholders:

aws s3api create-bucket --bucket <bucket-name> --create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=<aws-region>

Clone the scripts repository

Clone the repository by executing the command below:


Later its code will be required to setup UltiHash in AWS environment.

EKS Cluster Setup

Since UltiHash has to be deployed on Kubernetes cluster, need to provision EKS cluster on AWS. For this purpose use this Terraform project. The project deploys a dedicated VPC and provisions there an EKS cluster with a single c5.large machine to host the essential Kubernetes controllers.

Once the scripts repository is cloned, perform the following actions to deploy the Terraform project:

  1. Update the bucket name and its region in the main.tf with the onces done at the previous step.

  2. Update the configuration in config.tfvars. The only required change is the parameter cluster_admins - specify the list of ARNs of IAM users and/or IAM roles that need to have access to the provisioned EKS cluster. Other parameters could be left intact.

  3. Initialize and apply the Terraform project

    cd scripts/terraform/aws/eks-cluster
    terraform init
    terraform apply --var-file config.tfvars

    Wait until the installation is completed.

Make sure the access to the EKS cluster has been granted to the required IAM users and roles To check that, download the kubeconfig for the EKS cluster, executing the command below. Replace the <cluster-name> (by default ultihash-test) and the <aws-region> (by default eu-central-1) with the corresponding values defined in config.tfvars

aws eks update-kubeconfig --name <cluster-name> --region <aws-region>

Execute the following kubectl command to check the available EKS cluster nodes:

kubectl get nodes

The command has to output a name of a single provisioned EC2 instance.

Install Controllers on EKS

The next step is installation of the essential Kubernetes controllers on the provisioned EKS cluster. For this purpose use this Terraform project. The project deploys the following Kuberentes controllers on the EKS cluster:

  • Nginx Ingress - exposes UltiHash outside of the EKS cluster with a Network Load Balancer

  • Load Balancer Controller - provisions a Network Load Balancer for the Nginx Ingress controller

  • Karpenter - provisions EC2 instances on-demand to host UltiHash workloads

  • Local Path Provisioner - CSI controller that automatically provisions non-persistent volumes for the UltiHash workloads. These volumes are bound to the NVMe SSD instance store available on the machines provisioned by Karpenter

  • EBS CSI Driver - CSI controller that automatically provisions persistent volumes the UltiHash workfloads. The volumes are based on gp3 storage class and optimised in terms of performance

📒 Note, that the volumes provisioned by Local Path Provisioner are non persistent! Once EC2 instance is removed, all its accosiated volumes will be removed as well. If during the testing, it is required to remove the EC2 instances to save the costs without loosing their volumes, use EBS CSI Driver instead. This requires modification of the UltiHash Helm values, which will be explaned at a later step.

Perform the following actions to deploy the Terraform project:

  1. Update the bucket name and its region in the main.tf with the onces done at the previous step.

  2. Update the configuration in config.tfvars if required. The helm values for the deployed controlers are found here. It is not recommended to change any of these configurations, the only parameter that should be selected in advance is the Network Load Balancer type (internal or internet-facing) in this file.

  3. In case it is required to change the instance types for the UltiHash services, update them in the following Karpenter manifests

  4. Initialize and apply the Terraform project

    cd scripts/terraform/aws/eks-cluster-controllers
    terraform init
    terraform apply --var-file config.tfvars

    Wait until the installation is completed. A Network Load balancer should be provisioned in the same region as the EKS cluster.

UltiHash Installation

The last step is installation of UltiHash. For this purpose use this Terraform project. Perform the following actions to deploy the Terraform project:

  1. Update the bucket name and its region in the main.tf with the ones done at the previous step.

  2. Update the configuration in config.tfvars with the credentials obtained from your account on ultihash.io. The credentials in the config.tfvars are mocked. The helm values for UltiHash are found here. The only required change in the Helm values is the storage class for etcd, storage, deduplicator, and database. In case persistence is not required, use local-path storage class. Otherwise select gp3-high-performance (in case of etcd it will be ebs-csi-gp3). Feel free also to scale the number of entrypoint, storage, and deduplicator instances if required.

  3. Initialize and apply the Terraform project

    cd scripts/terraform/aws/ultihash
    terraform init
    terraform apply --var-file config.tfvars

    Wait until the installation is completed.

The UltiHash cluster is installed in the default Kuberentes namespace, you kubectl to see the deployed workloads:

kubectl get all

To access UltiHash, use the domain name of the Network Load Balancer provisioned at the previous step:

aws s3api list-buckets --endpoint-url http://ultihash-test-6a925a272ca1f954.elb.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/

Uninstall the Environment

To uninstall all previously deployed AWS resources follow these steps:

  1. Uninstall UltiHash:

    cd scripts/terraform/aws/ultihash
    terraform destroy --var-file config.tfvars
    kubectl delete pvc --all
  2. Uninstall Kubernetes controllers:

    cd scripts/terraform/aws/eks-cluster-controllers
    terraform destroy --var-file config.tfvars
  3. Uninstall the EKS cluster:

    cd scripts/terraform/aws/eks-cluster
    terraform destroy --var-file config.tfvars

Last updated